Pickaxes are the most widely used pickaxes in a given game because they can be used to mine almost any type of block. You have the pickaxe, which is the best tool for silk touch enchantments. Players can use their pickaxe, shovel, axe, and hoe to create silk touch enchantments. When mining in this manner, the top layer of obsidian usually contains lava. In some cases, lava pools in volcanic rivers have been converted to obsidian naturally by waterfalls. Is there any obsidian? You can find obsidian by searching for a lava pool, pouring water on it, and then picking it up with a diamond pickaxe. After about a minute of mining, any other pickaxe will simply break the block.

It takes approximately ten seconds to mine. Only a Diamond Pick Axe can be used to collect this item. How do you earn a pickaxe from Minecraft? Obsidian is a hard material to beat in Minecraft.

When using Silk Touch, you can now drop mushroom blocks. What are the blocks in the Silk Touch? It is now able to collect previously ungainly blocks such as grass blocks, stones, coals, redstone mines, lapis lazuli mines, diamonds, and bookshelves. A pickaxe that isn’t enchanted with Silk Touch is dropped if you don’t have an Ender Chest. When lava flows, the cobblestone forms, rather than obsidian. Pouring water from a bucket over a pool of lava that has been continuously flowing is the most effective way to mine obsidian. Would you like to use silk touch to mine obsidian? Why or why not? It’s not necessary to touch the surface of your obsidian to obtain it. No, you cannot get obsidian with the Silk Touch enchantment.